Pediatric dentists are highly trained in the field of dentistry with a hyper-focus on treating children. Simply put, pediatric dentists are the pediatricians of the dentistry world. Treating all ages; from infants to adolescents.
When should I bring my child in for their first dental appointment?
It is recommended by the Academy of Pediatric Dentistry that children be seen by their first birthday or whenever you notice their first teeth coming into the mouth.
When will my child start getting teeth?
Typically, the first teeth in your child’s mouth will be seen around the age of 6 months. However, this is not the case for each child. If you feel your child’s mouth is not developing normally, we encourage you to make an appointment for an evaluation by our team of dental professionals.
What can I do to make my child’s appointment easier?
We highly recommend all parents tell their child about their upcoming appointment and to ease their anxiety by telling them it will be as harmless as possible. We have found that the less the appointment is discussed, the better the child’s behavior at the appointment. Keep in mind, our staff is highly trained to comfort your children and to get them through the appointment with as little anxiety as possible.
When should we begin using toothpaste and how much should we use?
We highly recommend all parents tell their child about their upcoming appointment and to ease their anxiety by telling them it will be as harmless as possible. We have found that the less the appointment is discussed, the better the child’s behavior at the appointment. Keep in mind, our staff is highly trained to comfort your children and to get them through the appointment with as little anxiety as possible.
What type of diet is best for healthy teeth in children?
Balance is key. We recommend one serving of every food group, daily. Be sure to limit the intake of artificial sugars and starches, as to prevent tooth decay. You may also ask our staff which foods will help protect your child’s teeth.
How can I, as a parent, prevent tooth decay in my child’s mouth?
It is very important to develop routine visits to the dentist, beginning at the sight of their first tooth. This encourages a healthy relationship with doctor and child. Brushing twice a day, two minutes each time, will help prevent tooth decay. Flossing is also highly recommended at the time of brushing.
How safe are dental x-rays?
Dental x-rays are a common diagnostic procedure that is considered extremely safe. Pediatric dentists are trained to limit the amount of radiation that children undergo when receiving an x-ray through the use of lead aprons and high speed film.
Are baby teeth really that important to my child?
In one word; YES! Not only do they help encourage proper speech of the child but they encourage proper chewing and eating habits. They also help guide the path for their future adult teeth.